Incorporation and New Business Advisor Services

business incorporation

Many businesses are formed without the owner ever really considering the implication of each entity type. Selecting the wrong type of business structure can result in unnecessary taxes, increased liability, and other consequences. Bankes Planning Associates has the experience to help advise and guide you in choosing the best business entity to meet your short and long term goals. We offer a wide variety of new business startup and incorporation services.

When you turn to our Pinellas County CPA firm for guidance, we consider all the factors when recommending an appropriate entity including asset protection, your personal liability, and controlling your tax burden. With our direction and support you will be able to choose the best business structure so you can minimize your tax obligations, become profitable more quickly, and grow your new business.

As your business develops, the continued value of partnering with us will become clear. We'll handle your accounting, find ways to reduce taxes, and will always make ourselves available to answer financial questions that arise.

New Business Advisory

Bankes Planning Associates offers incorporation services to new business owners in all industries and specialties. Contact us today at 727-328-2900 or request your free consultation now to get started.

  • Incorporation and entity selection
  • Filing startup paperwork
  • Federal and state tax ID applications
  • Tax planning advice
  • QuickBooks accounting system setup
  • Corporations – C Corporation, S Corporation
  • Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP)